Thursday, November 3, 2016

Welcome to the Ramblings of the Ramen Rambler!

Welcome to the Ramblings of the Ramen Rambler, devotee to the Ramen marketplace of Nagoya, japan and its surrounding areas.


Ramen!!! The king of noodles! The sultan of soba! The Potentate...of...pasta?

Anyhow, I looooove Ramen. One of my favorite things to do is go hunting for new ramen shops that I might enjoy their noodly marvelousness. (Those are real words, right?)

I am currently living in Nagoya, Japan. This gives me the opportunity to enjoy some truly phenomenal ramen. However, the one thing I have always lamented was the shortage of English-language information about where to get a good bowl to scarf down. 

This blog seeks to remedy all that. I will be making regular posts featuring ramen shops from in and around the Nagoya area. These posts will feature information about the noodles, soups and toppings that make up that most beloved of noodle dishes.
I'll also include locations and shop information for those of you who wish to sample the goodness of these dishes for yourselves. 

Stay tuned! The next installment of the Ramen rambler will be coming soon!

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